Monday, February 16, 2009

Cancerous cells

> Under weakly alkaline condition, cancerous cells will not be able to
> grow, or even to survive.
> 在弱鹼性體質的狀態下,癌細胞是無法生長、甚至是無法生存的。
> Actual case studies, very important, please read patiently and pass this
> on.
> 實案例,很重要,請耐心看完,請轉寄哦!!
> Even if you have read this before, you should reread this, especially the
> list of acidic and alkaline food stuff, best to read several times and
> remembered.
> 即使看過了還是要再看,尤其下面的酸鹼性食物最好多看幾次,
> Please take your time to complete this article, it will be helpful to
> your health.
> 請耐心看完這篇文章,對自身健康很有幫助
> More that 30 years ago, a Mr Zhang who work in the public sale department
> of a Taipei Brewery, participated in the brewery overseas study selection
> examination, and passed with flying colours.
> 三十多年前有一位服務於公賣局台北啤酒廠的張先生,參加該啤酒場選派技術人員
> 到國外深造的考試,以優異的成績及格。
> Before going overseas during the physical examination at a public
> hospital, it was discovered that he has a tumour growth in his lung of
> the size of a child's fist, and therefore was not able to go overseas to
> study.
> 在出國前經某公立醫院體檢發現,罹患有像小孩拳頭大小的肺部腫瘤,因而不能出
> 國。
> The greatly disappointed Mr Zhang has always been suspicious that the
> diagnosis was wrong. So he went to another hospital for a check-up, the
> result confirmed that previous diagnosis was not in error.
> 張先生非常失望之餘,一直懷疑診斷有誤;於是再到另一家醫院檢查,結果還是證
> 實原來的診斷並無錯誤。
> For the youthful and healthy Mr Zhang to be stricken down with such
> terminal illness, in his despair, he rang his old classmate who at the
> time was Taidong County Government, Huangsun County Mayor's secretary, Mr
> Wei
> 當時年輕力壯的張先生得到這樣的絕症,在人生絕望之餘,多次打電話給當時任職
> 台東縣政府黃順興縣長機要秘書的魏姓同學。
> Mr Weil rushed to Taipei during his rest day on a Sunday to see Mr Zhang.
> 魏姓同學便利用星期日趕到台北和張先生見面,
> Mr Zhang discussed with Mr Wei in details his despair and pessimism, and
> entrusted his friend regarding his affairs after his death.
> Coincidentally, Mr Wei was a good friend of Dr Lu Geling, who was
> in-charge of the Maijie Hospital, 1945-55, and specialised in the
> clinical research into cancer cases.
> 張先生向魏同學詳述相關絕望的詳情和悲觀感受,並請位同學協助其後事,恰逢魏
> 同學與前任馬偕醫院院長1949-55年專精於癌症臨床研究的呂革令博士係知交好
> 友。
> He immediately suggested that Mr Zhang went and see Dr Lu for treatment.
> At first, Mr Zhang said he preferred not to consult anymore doctors, so
> as not to add further to his misery.
> 當即建議前往訪求呂博士醫治,起初張先生說不願再看醫生,以免徒增傷悲;
> But Mr Wei told him that he had telephoned Dr Lu before to seek his
> advice and arranged an appointment. Mr Zhang felt obligated and went with
> Mr Wei to meet Dr Lu.
> 但魏同學說先前已以電話請教過呂博士並安排好時間,張先生只好偕同前往呂博士
> 住處造訪。
> When Dr Lu met with Mr Zhang, Dr Lu said: ' Mr Wei is a friend and
> introduce you and I to get to know each other. This is destiny. Thank
> you. Let me ask you do you know why is cancer referred to as terminal
> illness?'
> 呂博士和張先生見面就說:「魏先生是我的好友,介紹你和我認識是我們緣份,感
> 謝。我請教你:『癌為什麼叫絕症,你可知道嗎?』」
> Both Mr Zhang and Mr Wei did not how to answer.
> 張先生和魏先生都不知道如何作答。
> Dr Lu explained: 'There are only two approaches taken by human to treat
> cancer to date. The first is to destroy the source of the disease. The
> second is the increase the capability to fight the disease.
> 呂博士又說:「人類醫治癌症到目前為止只有兩條路,第一條路是消滅病源,第二
> 條路是增加抵抗力。
> But the strange thing is that, cancer whether we use Cobalt 60 or other
> drug to destroy the cancer cells, however, before the cancer cells are
> killed, the good cells are destroyed first.
> 但很奇怪的是,癌無論用鈷60或其他藥物去消滅癌細胞,可是癌細胞還沒被消
> 滅,好的細胞卻先被殺死。
> On the other hand, no matter we use what nutrients or supplements, before
> the good cells have a chance to absorb them, the cancer cells have taken
> them up and it simply speeds up the grow of cancer.
> 另無論用什麼營養、補藥,好的細胞還未吸收,癌細胞卻先吸收、讓癌長得更快;
> Therefore both approaches are doomed to failure, that is why cancer is
> terminal.'
> 因此可說上述兩條路都行不通、所以叫絕症。」
> Dr Lu continues: 'Human being is most clever, they have successfully
> landed on the moon. But why is it no one ever question the above two
> approaches for treating cancer are nothing but self defeating dead-ends,
> try to seek out a third avenue?
> 呂博士又說:「人類的聰明連登陸月球也都已經成功,但為什麼沒有人去懷疑上述
> 兩條治癌的路是在鑽牛角尖,另外找第三條路?
> When I was conducting clinical research in Majie Hospital , I had many
> opportunities to work with and being helped by many colleagues in the
> Hospital. I discovered that the blood tests of 100% of the cancer
> patients showed that the blood sample are acidic...
> 我以往在馬偕醫院做癌症临床實驗,並得院內各部同仁協助的機會,我發現癌症病
> 人血液檢查的結果百分之百都是酸性反應。
> Those Buddhist monks and nuns who are long term vegetarians and live very
> close to Nature, their blood are prevalently weakly alkaline and amongst
> them, there has yet to discover any cancer cases
> 長期素食、且生活接近自然的佛寺僧尼,由於體質都偏屬優質弱鹼性,所以尚沒有
> 發現罹患癌症的病例。
> Therefore, I boldly concluded that under weakly alkaline condition,
> cancer cells are not able to grow, or even to survive.
> 因此我大膽的斷定在弱鹼性體質的狀態下,癌細胞是無法生長、甚至是無法生存
> 的。
> Mr Zhang, I would suggest that starting from now you reduce your intake
> of the acidic meaty dishes.
> 張先生我建議你從現在起少吃酸性的葷食類,
> Take more of the alkaline food. In addition you can take green algae and
> soup made from water chestnuts with shell,
> 多吃鹼性食物, 另外可吃綠藻和帶殼菱角湯,
> Modify your physical condition, and try seriously to have a regular life
> style which is close to Nature;
> 改變你的體質,並勵行接近自然的良好生活規律;
> If you can manage to stay alive for five years, you should have no
> further problem. I wish you the best of luck.'
> 如果五年內不死、你就沒問題了,祝福你。」
> Mr Zhang follow Dr Lu's suggestion and seriously alter his eating habits.
> 張先生依照呂博士的建議,認真改變吃的習慣,
> Every day, he ate green algae, drank chestnut soup, be optimistic and
> doing appropriate amount of exercise, and went back to the same public
> hospital for a check up. It was discovered that not only that the tumour
> did not increase in size, on the contrary it showed signs of shrinking,
> and surprised the hospital staff conducting the check-up as a miracle.
> Five years later, the tumour s shrunk to such a state as to be almost
> disappear.
> 每天又吃綠藻、喝菱角湯,樂觀加上每天適當的運動,一年後再到同一公立醫院檢
> 查結果,發現腫瘤不但沒有長大、反而已呈現萎縮狀態,遂令醫院檢查人員驚為奇
> 蹟,五年後竟完全處於萎縮、至近於消失狀態。
> After almost 40 years, presently Mr Zhang's health is totally normal, and
> living a very pleasant life.
> 經過了將近四十年歲月,現在張先生的健康情況完全正常,生活起居甚為愉快。
> Following Mr Zhang, a Mr Chen Tianshou, who was previously Head of the
> General Administration of the Taidong Provincial Hospital , was similarly
> diagnosed with lung cancer.
> 繼張先生之後,有位前台東省立醫院總務課長陳添壽先生,同樣得到肺癌;
> When Mr Wei heard of this, he told Mr Chen of the experience of Mr Zhang,
> and Mr Chen started to follow the instructions of Dr Lu to change his
> physical condition. The outcome was that he was able to recover fully
> from the cancer, just like Mr Zhang.
> 魏先生得知後將張先生的經過轉告陳添壽先生,陳先生乃依照呂博士的建議進行改
> 變體質,結果與張先生同樣癒癌症。
> At that time, Mr Lu and his family have emigrated to the United States .
> After the two cases, he returned to Taiwan and met up with Mr Wei.
> 那時呂博士全家已移民美國,事後呂博士回來台灣再與魏先生見面時
> Mr Wei told Dr Lu about the experiences of Mr Zhang and Mr Chen, and
> suggested that let the two of them detailed their experiences to Dr Lu in
> person, so that Dr Lu could publish a report on his self cure body
> conditioning method.
> 魏先生將張先生和陳先生的經過告訴呂博士,並提議由他們倆位親自向呂博士陳
> 述,請呂博士發表其改變體質之自療成果報告。
> Dr Lu very humbly replied:
> 呂博士謙虛地回答說:
> 'I am too old, besides, I do not have any clinical records of the
> outcomes. I would ask that you tell your friends and relatives, if they
> are agreeable, then please continue this experience and spread the words
> … …
> 我年事已大,且沒有臨床紀錄不能做為成果。請魏先生轉告親友,如果友人認同的
> 話,請他們繼續做體驗並廣為宣導.........。」
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> One should take care of oneself but should also be caring about others,
> 85% of cancer patients have acidic in their physical condition
> 關心自己也要關心別人,85﹪癌症病患屬於酸性體質
> ¡¡è Blood of healthy persons is weakly alkaline in nature, with a pH of
> about 7.35 to 7.45
> * 健康人的血液是成弱鹼性的,約是pH7.35~7.45左右
> ¡¡è Babies' blood is also weakly acidic
> * 嬰兒也是屬於弱鹼性的體質
> ¡¡è As adults mature their blood becomes more acidic in nature
> * 成長期的成人有體質酸化的現象
> According to a study of 600 cancer patients, of their bodily fluid, 85%
> of the patients are acidic .
> 根據一項六百位癌症病人體液分佈的研究,顯示85﹪癌症病患屬於酸性體質。
> Therefore, how to maintain the weakly acidic nature of our body is the
> first step for moving far away from diseases.
> 因此,如何使體質維持在弱鹼性就是遠離疾病的第一步。
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Acidic physical conditions manifested itself in:
> 酸性體質的生理表徵
> 1. Skin without luster 皮膚無光澤。
> 2. Athlete's foot 香港腳。
> 3. Feeling tire even with very little exercise, and feeling sleep the
> moment one gets on to public buses
> 稍做運動即感疲勞,一上公車便想睡覺。
> 4. Easily out of breath going up and down stair 上下樓梯容易氣喘。
> 5. Fat and with lower stomach protruding, 肥胖、下腹突出。
> 6. Move slowly and movement lethargic 步伐緩慢、動作遲緩。
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Why does the body physical condition turn acidic?
> 為什麼會形成酸性體質?
> 1. Excessive intake of dairy acidic food 過度攝取乳酸性食品
> a)
> meat, dairy products, eggs, beef, ham, etc are acidic food
> 肉類、乳酪製品與蛋、牛肉、火腿等皆屬於酸性食品。
> b)
> taking too much acidic food will cause the blood to become acidic and
> viscous, difficult to flow to the end of blood vessels, leading to cold
> feet or knee, stiff shoulders and insomnia..
> 攝取過量的酸性食品血液會傾向酸性而變黏稠,不易流到細血管的末稍,而易造成
> 手腳或膝蓋的冷寒症,以及肩膀僵硬和失眠等。
> c)
> When one is young and strong, taking suitable quantity of meat is
> appropriate, but older people it more suitable to have a diet which are
> primarily vegetables or small fish.
> 年輕力壯時吃適量的肉類是對的,但老年人則以蔬菜或小魚為宜。
> 2)
> Irregularity in the pace of life will cause the body physical condition
> to become acidic
> 生活步調失常會造成酸性體質
> a)
> Irregular pace in life will lead to mental and physical stress
> 生活步調失常會造成精神與肉體的壓力。
> b)
> According to statistics, people who sleep late are more likely to have
> cancer than normal persons, by as much as 5 times.
> 據統計,晚睡者罹患癌症的機率比正常人高出五倍。
> c)
> Human beings originally lead a life with regular tempo in this world, it
> is not possible to store up sleep or food and not possible to change the
> order of living by mixing up days and nights.
> 人類本來就活在節奏的世界裡,無法事先儲備睡眠或飲食,也不能日夜顛倒。
> d)
> Human organs are controlled by the autonomic nerves, and during day time
> it is mainly sympathetic nerves activities, and at night it is mainly the
> parasympathetic nerves which are functioning, If this order is disturbed
> and reversed, then diseases will result.
> 人體內臟受自律神經控制,白天主要是交感神經活動,晚上則由副交感神經工
> 作,若使其錯亂及倒置,就亦百病滋生。
> 3. Emotion over tensed 情緒過於緊張
> a)
> Civilised society brings stresses
> 文明社會會造成的壓力。
> b)
> Job related or mental stresses
> 工作上或精神上的壓力。
> c)
> A person suffers mental stress, when the stress is removed and the person
> relaxes, sometimes this may lead to death, referred to as the syndrome of
> imperfect adrenal cortex function.
> 當一個人承受精神壓力後,一旦緊張鬆弛,時會造成猝死,稱為潛在性副腎皮質機
> 能不全症。
> 4.Physical Stress 肉體的緊張
> a)
> Before any operation it would be necessary to check to see if the renal
> cortex does function normally. If the adrenal cortex is lacking, or if
> the stress imposed by the operation exceeded the ability of adrenal
> cortex to cope, it could lead to death or other undesirable impacts.
> 動手術之前應先檢查腎上腺皮質機能是否正常。如果副腎皮質機能較差,或手術壓
> 力遠超過副腎調整功能,則可能造成病人死亡或其他不良影響。
> b)
> If it noted that patient's face is puffy, it would be necessary to
> inquire in detail the patient's medical history and medication status,
> for patients taking adrenal cortical hormone, extra care should be
> exercise when administering acupuncture.
> 若發現病患臉部浮腫,需詳加詢問病史及服藥狀況,為長期服用腎上腺皮質賀爾蒙
> 者,施以針灸要特別注意反應。
> c)
> Stress due to physical labour or exercise in excess, whole night card
> games, driving etc should be avoided as much as possible
> 勞動或運動過度,通宵打牌、開車等壓力都應盡量避免。
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Appendix: Acidity/alkalinity of Common food stuff
> 附錄:常見食物的酸鹼性
> 1.
> Strongly acidic food: egg yolk, cheese, cake make with white sugar or
> persimmon, mullet fish roe, dried cod.
> 強酸性食品:蛋黃、乳酪、白糖做的西點或柿子、烏魚子、柴魚等。
> 2.
> Mildly acidic food: ham, bacon, chicken meat, squid, pork, eel, beef,
> bread, wheat, butter, horse meat etc
> 中酸性食品:火腿、培根、雞肉、鮪魚、豬肉、鰻魚、牛肉、麵包、小麥、奶
> 油、馬肉等。
> 3.
> Weakly acidic food: white rice, peanut, beer, alcohol, oil fried tofu,
> sea weed, clam, octopus, catfish
> 弱酸性食品:白米、落花生、啤酒、酒、油炸豆腐、海苔、文蛤、章魚、泥鰍。
> 4..
> Weakly alkaline food: red bean, radish, apple, cabbage, onion, tofu etc.
> 弱鹼性食品:紅豆、蘿蔔、蘋果、甘藍菜、洋蔥、豆腐等。
> 5.
> Mildly alkaline food: dried radish, soya bean, carrot, tomato, banana,
> orange, pumpkin strawberry, egg white, dried plum, lemon, spinach, etc.
> 中鹼性食品:蘿蔔乾、大豆、紅蘿蔔、蕃茄、香蕉、橘子、南瓜、草莓、蛋白、梅
> 乾、檸檬、菠菜等。
> 6.
> Strongly alkaline food: grape, tea leave, grape wine, kelp sprout, kelp,
> etc. Especially natural green algae which contain rich quantity of
> chlorophyll are very good alkaline health food, but tea should not be
> drunk in excess, and best to drink in the morning.
> 強鹼性食品:葡萄、茶葉、葡萄酒、海帶芽、海帶等。尤其是天然綠藻富含葉綠
> 素,是不錯的鹼性健康食品,而茶類不宜過量,最佳飲用時間為早上。
> 轉寄亦是一種福報

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